Thursday, November 15, 2007

Still Behind - October 10th

October 10th.

While in Medregal Village we organized a bus trip with some of the other cruisers to go to Caripe & the Guacharo Cave.

The cave is eight miles long and one of the world’s largest caves. It is inhabited by about 18,000 guacharo birds that live in the dark and echo-locate like bats. They only come out at night to feed on fruits. The first part of our tour was very noisy with the sound of the birds but as we trekked deeper into the cave, the only sound
was the trickling of water from the stalactites
and stalagmites. It was utterly incredible.

The Exit/Entrance to the Guacharo Cave

The all day bus trip though the mountainous countryside and rainforests was more than breathtaking. The more we see of Venezuela, the more we love it. The diverse landscapes are amazing. But to top it all off, the people are what really makes the difference. You just have to come here yourself to discover how warm and welcoming the Venezuelan people are. I think we have found our favourite country. (But I’m getting ahead of myself).

Fair Winds,

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