Thursday, April 26, 2007

I'm a little late posting this entry

Falmouth Harbour, Antigua, West Indies
Wednesday March 21st.
Happy Birthday to our daughter Erin.
Farewell to the Rum & Sun Tour, aka visit from Steve, Gerry & Sean.
Our company is gone, we’ve had a great reunion with Rick & Carey on board Memory, played lots of Bocce Ball on Pidgeon Beach and received updates on other cruising friends from Bev & Ross on board Raft. Now it’s time for a few days of relaxation and a change of scenery.
Sunday March 25th we enjoyed a nice lazy 15 mile downwind sail to Jolly Harbour.
Tuesday we revisited Deep Bay, where we had been previously with the Rum & Sun Tour.
Wednesday morning brought more sunshine and a beautiful beam reach while heading north along the west coast of Antigua, then we turned east into the Boon Channel and the wind was dead on the nose. We were forced to motor sail the 5 miles into 17-20 knots of wind before we could turn south and work our way around the reefs into Parham Sound. By lunch time, we were anchored between Red Head Island and Rabbit Island. All I can say is WOW! FANTASTIC! ABSOLUTELY BREATHTAKING! A panoramic view of rugged islands in all directions, Antigua to the west, and the Altantic Ocean to the East.
After settling in, we dinghied to Hells Gate, a very interesting island with rock formations that look like a bridge that goes over a small channel that runs through the middle of the rock. There was no place to land, so we anchored the dingy in a patch of sand and swam to shore. It was really neat. It reminded us of the Baths in Virgin Gorda in the British Virgin Islands. We climbed over rocks and through caves up to the top of the island and walked across the “bridge” of Hells Gate. Definitely a highlight of the day. This area is a must see on my list of “To Do’s” We accomplished our goal of relaxing with the only regret that we had to leave so soon (due to other commitments). I could have used a full week there to swim, snorkel the numerous reefs, and explore the other islands. It is the only place we’ve been in the Caribbean where we were the only boat. We haven’t experienced that since leaving the Bahamas.
Thursday March 29th
Happy Birthday to our son Darryl.
Before we knew it, Saturday snuck up on us and we’re off again, with good visibility to help pick our way back through the reefs. It is so much easier the second time. Saturday afternoon, we dropped the hook in the outer anchorage at Jolly Harbour (Jolly Harbour is starting to feel like home base). Sunday morning, April 1st, we moved Rhiannon into the dock at the Marina to prepare for our next adventure.
Fair Winds,

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